Its true.
I just confirmed with Monstar that he will be coming on August 25th LIVE and UNCUT!
The most prolific troll in pua forum history, Monstar combines the ingenuity of 4chan and the cuting edge vigor of the most jaded of pua enthusists, that this promises to be the GRANDEST and ULTIMATE of any interview you have EVER herad before.
AUGUST 25th.
Say it...
AUGUST 25th.
The most important date in the history of PUA Folklore!
Sick of all the bullshit?!
You think Monstar is one sick FUCK?
Wanna be part of history?
August 25th at 11pm go to
My guest will be former Casanova Crew defector, MONSTAR.
Monstar is admittingly an EX Casanova Crew member, and has close ties to CCIE in speciffic.
Whats surreal and wahts real becomes blurred and SHOWCSAED for your amusement on August 25th!
Im open show questions and show ideas.
We got Monstar.
What should I ask him?????!!!!!
J the ripper i love the lulz of this community and im creative, so thats why i troll lol, nothing personal to the puas. I think i have a good voice and good radio personality, you should make a thread asking people what questions you should ask. I understand your podcast needs entertainment and controversy so ill work with you and make it funny, but i wont disrespect you. Ill tel what i think of certain people, that you get you downloads... and keeping it real.
by the way my name is Benjamin...
Couldnt resist.